Plant cuttings How to make money selling plants

Are you tired of just admiring your houseplants and not making any money from them? Well, have no fear because the solution is here! Introducing the ultimate side hustle: propagating and selling plant cuttings!

First things first, before you start snipping away at your plants, make sure to check your state’s regulations on selling plants. Safety first, folks!

Now, onto the fun stuff. Want to maximize your earnings? Consider selling cuttings of herbs such as chives, cilantro, thyme, oregano and lemongrass. Not only are they beautiful to look at, but they also have practical uses in the kitchen. Plus, with indoor herb gardens, you can grow them all year round.

Feeling fancy? Try selling rare houseplants and watch the cash roll in. Just make sure you have the skills and resources to grow and propagate them successfully. And if you’re unsure where to start, just use whatever plants you already have in your home or garden. Low costs and easy experimentation, what’s not to love?

Once you’ve decided on what to sell, gather your supplies such as containers, rooting hormone, soil, moss, and material to wrap the cuttings. And don’t forget the fertilizer! Eggshells or dirty water from aquariums work wonders.

Now it’s time to get cutting and propagating! Each plant type is different, so make sure to do your research on how to properly cut and root them.

Finally, it’s time to sell those beautiful plants. You can sell them online through websites like Etsy or eBay, or locally through farmers’ markets, community markets, and social media platforms. You can even set up a stand outside your home and make sure the presentation is on point!

With a little bit of effort and time, you could be earning several hundred dollars every month. So, what are you waiting for? Start snipping and making that cash, baby!

What if i don’t have any ideas on what to grow

We get it starting a plant business can be exciting, but deciding on what plants to sell can be overwhelming.

Here are 10 easy-to-propagate plant suggestions to get your business started:

  1. Pothos – This hardy plant is known for being easy to grow and propagate. Simply take a stem cutting and place it in water or soil and watch it grow.
  2. Snake Plant – This low-maintenance plant is perfect for those who are new to propagating. Simply take a leaf cutting and place it in soil, and it will eventually sprout roots.
  3. Spider Plant – This plant is a great option for those who want to sell both cuttings and potted plants. Simply take a stem cutting and place it in water or soil, and it will eventually sprout roots.
  4. Philodendron – This tropical plant is easy to propagate from stem cuttings. Simply take a stem cutting and place it in water or soil, and it will eventually sprout roots.
  5. ZZ Plant – This plant is also known as the Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is a drought-tolerant and easy to propagate from stem cuttings.
  6. String of Pearls – This plant is easy to propagate by taking stem cuttings and placing them in water or soil.
  7. Succulents – Succulents are easy to propagate by taking stem or leaf cuttings and placing them in soil.
  8. Chinese Money Plant – This plant is easy to propagate by taking stem cuttings and placing them in water or soil.
  9. Peperomia – This plant is easy to propagate by taking stem or leaf cuttings and placing them in soil.
  10. African Violet – This plant is easy to propagate by taking leaf cuttings and placing them in soil.

These plants are all relatively easy to propagate and maintain, making them great options for starting a plant business.

Remember to always research the specific requirements for each plant and to check your state’s regulations on selling plants.

Happy propagating!

By Ben Ferdinands

According to his mother Ben has always had a green thumb and when he is not working with technology or solving puzzles he is spending time gardening. This Blog is a personal project but i hope you learn something and enjoy your time here.

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