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What Are the Best Succulent Breeds to Sell at Markets?

What Are the Best Succulent Breeds to Sell at Markets?

BusinessBy Ben Ferdinands

Succulents are popular plants for both indoor and outdoor settings due to their low-maintenance nature and diverse, visually appealing forms. If you're looking to start a plant business or supplement your income, selling succulents at markets is a great option. In this guide, we’ll explore the best succulent breeds to sell at markets and how to maximize your profits by choosing the right varieties.

1. Why Succulents Are Ideal for Market Sales

Succulents are excellent for selling at markets because they are easy to care for, come in many different shapes and colors, and are widely popular among plant enthusiasts. Their compact size also makes them easy to transport and display. Here’s why succulents are an ideal choice for market vendors:

  • Low Maintenance: Succulents require minimal care and can thrive in a variety of environments, making them appealing to busy buyers.
  • Variety: With hundreds of breeds to choose from, succulents come in many unique shapes, sizes, and colors, attracting a wide range of customers.
  • High Demand: The popularity of succulents continues to grow, as they’re used in everything from home décor to wedding favors.
  • Easy to Propagate: Succulents can be easily propagated, meaning that you can grow new plants from cuttings to expand your inventory with minimal investment.

2. Best Succulents to Sell at Markets

When choosing succulents to sell, it's important to focus on breeds that are both visually striking and easy to care for. These types of succulents tend to attract buyers and have a higher chance of selling quickly. Below are some of the most popular succulent breeds to consider:

Top Succulent Breeds for Market Sales

  • Echeveria: Known for their rosette shape and vibrant colors, Echeveria varieties are always a favorite among succulent buyers. They come in shades of green, blue, pink, and purple, making them stand out on market tables.
  • Haworthia: Haworthia succulents are known for their small size and unique leaf textures. Their compact form makes them perfect for indoor environments, and they require very little light and water, making them a great choice for beginners.
  • Aloe Vera: In addition to being a popular houseplant, Aloe Vera has medicinal properties that appeal to a wide audience. Its ability to soothe burns and treat skin conditions makes it both a decorative and functional plant.
  • Jade Plant (Crassula ovata): A symbol of good luck, the Jade Plant is popular among buyers who appreciate its symbolism and its thick, glossy leaves. It’s easy to care for and can live for many years, making it a great long-term investment for buyers.
  • String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus): This trailing succulent has small, bead-like leaves that resemble pearls, making it a visually interesting plant. It's a favorite among plant lovers who enjoy hanging plants and unique textures.
  • Agave: Agave succulents are hardy plants that thrive in dry environments. Their dramatic spiky leaves and large size make them ideal for outdoor landscaping projects.

3. How to Price and Display Your Succulents

Pricing your succulents fairly is essential to running a successful market business. Factors like the rarity of the plant, the size, and the time it takes to propagate should be considered when setting prices. Here’s how to price and display your succulents for maximum appeal:

Tips for Pricing Your Succulents

  • Consider Size and Age: Larger and more mature succulents tend to fetch higher prices. A small Echeveria cutting might sell for $5, while a fully grown Aloe Vera could sell for $20 or more.
  • Rarity Increases Value: Rare and unusual succulents, such as certain varieties of Haworthia or Agave, can command higher prices due to their uniqueness.
  • Market Comparison: Research the prices of similar succulents at other markets or online to ensure your pricing is competitive.

Displaying Your Succulents

An attractive display can make a huge difference in your sales. Here are some tips for showcasing your succulents effectively at markets:

  • Use Attractive Containers: Potting your succulents in decorative containers or eco-friendly pots can increase their appeal. Consider using terracotta, ceramic, or biodegradable pots for a natural aesthetic.
  • Create Eye-Catching Displays: Use shelves, stands, or tiered displays to create height and draw attention to your plants. Grouping similar succulents together can also help customers find what they’re looking for more easily.
  • Label Each Plant: Clearly label each succulent with its name and care instructions. This not only helps customers choose the right plant for their needs, but it also shows that you’re knowledgeable about what you’re selling.

4. Marketing Your Succulents

In addition to creating a great display at the market, marketing your succulents online can help you reach a larger audience. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are excellent tools for connecting with potential customers. Consider the following strategies for marketing your succulent business:

Social Media and Online Marketing Tips

  • Post Regular Updates: Share photos of your succulents, growing tips, and market schedules on social media. Posting regularly keeps your audience engaged and excited about your products.
  • Host Giveaways: Organize giveaways on Instagram or Facebook to increase your followers and promote your succulents. Offer a popular plant or a gift card to attract participants.
  • Partner with Influencers: Connect with plant influencers or bloggers who can help promote your succulents to a larger audience. Offering them a free plant in exchange for a post or review can be a mutually beneficial collaboration.


Selling succulents at markets is a profitable and enjoyable way to make money from your love of plants. By choosing popular and easy-to-care-for succulent breeds, pricing them appropriately, and marketing them effectively, you can build a successful plant business that thrives in both local and online markets.